AMC Seminar on Embracing Change:

Embarking on a Transformative Journey

Mr. Dulip Singh Thangasamy addressing the gathering.

As Kingdom people, we are reminded of the greater purpose for which He created us and His call for us to fulfil His purpose. We need to elevate ourselves above the cares and worries of our everyday lives and have a Kingdom mindset.

This was the key take-home message of the Seminar on Embracing Change conducted on June 16, 2024, by the Education and Christian Nurture (ECN) of the Annanagar Methodist Church. The speaker was Mr Dulip Thangasamy, the Executive Director for Haggai India, focusing on training Christian leaders for evangelism. (Read the full summary of the Seminar after the photo below.)

We had 85 people physically present in the church and 187 people who watched it live remotely. 

Mr Dulip Thangasamy, along with the Education and Christian Nurture Committee Team which organised the Seminar on ‘Embracing Change’

Summary of the Seminar:

Heraclitus, the Greek philosopher, once famously pronounced, “There is nothing permanent except change.” While most people have an awareness that change is the only constant in life and that it is an inevitable part of life, more often than not, when change does make its appearance, they are caught unprepared. It is not without reason that many dread even the word!

While the world has many good and helpful skill sets on offer, supplemented by appropriate tools and techniques, to counter and absorb the impact of change, the human mind is always apprehensive owing to its unpredictable and uncertain nature. Clearly, responses are mostly reactive and inadequate.

Shifting paradigms, if we can elevate ourselves and focus on mind over matter, in accordance with Apostle Paul’s exhortation in Col 3: 1-2, our frame of reference completely changes. Seeking to have a clear understanding of the plan of God, His purpose for each of us to fit into that plan, His will for our lives and living our lives in accordance with His calling ensures and enables that we, the Kingdom people, lead lives abundantly, as promised by Jesus Christ. We are here in this world for a reason and for a season. We do not just survive but thrive even in the face of storms and vicissitudes of life.

Jesus calling out to the frightened disciples struggling on the tempestuous sea of Galilee and assuring them with those glorious words of reassurance: ’It is I, do not be afraid’ provides us with that anchor and serene calmness amid the raging storms around us.

In accepting Christ’s hand of friendship, guidance and companionship in our lives and as we allow Him to steer us through the still and troubled waters, we embark on a transformative journey of realising His abiding presence with us here on earth. Above all else, it is the assurance of eternity with Him forever that has a profound impact on our lives and the joy, peace and hope of the future surpass all sufferings and struggles that we may go through here for some time.

As Kingdom people, we are also reminded of the greater purpose for which He created us and His call for us to fulfil His purpose. We need to elevate ourselves above the cares and worries of our everyday lives and have a Kingdom mindset. A mindset that prioritises reaching out to those around us with the love and saving grace of Christ. Our mission, therefore, is not just to ensure that we are part of the Kingdom of God, but also to actively seek out those around us to be added to the Kingdom of God.

This, then, dear friends, is the secret to not just managing but thriving amid periods of calm, crises, and change.

–  Dulip Thangasamy

The entire programme is available on YouTube (link):