“Remember your Creator in the days of your youth.” Ecclesiastes 12:1

Methodist Youth Fellowship is meant to be a means of fellowship within the Methodist Church suited to the needs of young people. It helps young people come to a personal faith in Jesus Christ as their Saviour and provides opportunities to study, discuss, and pray about their growing faith in Him.
To deepen members’ understanding of the Christian faith and its application to personal, social, and economic life.
To encourage members to render practical services for and on behalf of the Methodist Church.
To help young people appreciate the unity of the church in its diversity and to promote a sense of belonging to the church.

Anna Nagar Youth Fellowship meets every Sunday at 11 a.m. for a time of fellowship, Bible study, thought-provoking conversations about what it means to be a Christian in a modern world, mission projects that help and serve others and of course loads of fun and games. Don’t miss out on the mouth-watering snacks