Hymn Story: "Amazing Grace..."

“Amazing grace! How sweet the sound
That saved a wretch like me !”

Author: John Newton (1725–1807), once a slave trader turned song writer and preacher.

Music: Carrell & Clayton’s “Virginia Harmony.”

Introduction :    

In 1725, Newton was born in Wapping, a district in London near the Thames. His father was a shipping merchant who was brought up as a Catholic but had Protestant sympathies, and his mother had intended Newton to become a clergyman, but she died of tuberculosis when he was six years old.  

Amazing Grace has become one of the most hauntingly beautiful Christian hymns in the world. Many famous faces have covered the iconic song, from Elvis Presley to Aretha Franklin and Johnny Cash. Even former US President Barack Obama has lent his voice to the song in a powerful rendition.

It’s estimated that the hymn has been performed over 10 million times and has impressively appeared on over 11,000 albums worldwide.

Story behind the Hymn :

Following in his father’s footsteps, Newton began his life’s career by searching throughout the African coast for slaves to capture and eventually to sell for profit. On one journey, Newton and his crew encountered a storm that swept some of his men overboard and left others with the likelihood of drowning. With both hands fastened onto the wheel of the boat, Newton cried out to God saying, “Lord, have mercy on us.” After eleven hours of steering, the remainder of the crew found safety with the calming of the storm. From then on, Newton dated March 21 as a day set aside for a time of humiliation, prayer, and praise.

Upon arriving safely home, Newton did not venture out to seek more slaves, instead he began to learn Hebrew and Greek. He occasionally accepted requests to speak about his conversion in front of various congregations.

Newton’s radical change:

Newton was eventually ordained and began to lead his own church. God changed him from a man who was an advocate for the slave trade to a man actively working towards abolishing it. Newton’s literary work against the slave trade encouraged abolitionist William Wilberforce to continue his legal fight against slavery in England.

The song “Amazing Grace,” although originating in England, appeared in the colonies later accompanied with a different tune, more commonly known as “New British.” This song grew in popularity, but not because it was catchy tune, but because the words that Newton wrote related to every human being who encountered the saving grace of Jesus Christ. This song touched many people at various stages of their spiritual walks.

Since the day that Newton penned the lyrics to “Amazing Grace,” it has grown in popularity and has been present at numerous key moments in the country’s history. Newton experienced the darkness and hopelessness of his sin and the consequence of following his own corrupt ways. He focused on fulfilling what he wanted to do in his life instead of looking to the direction of God.

Efforts to abolish the African slave trade :

Newton fought alongside William Wilberforce, leader of the parliamentary campaign to abolish the African slave trade. He described the horrors of the slave trade in a tract he wrote supporting the campaign and lived to see the British passage of the Slave Trade Act 1807.

And now, we see how lyrics like:

I once was lost,
but now am found,
Was blind
but now I see.


Through many dangers, toils, and snares
I have already come.
‘Tis grace hath brought me safe thus far,
And grace will lead me home.

carry a much deeper meaning than a sinner’s mere gratitude. Close to death at various times and blind to reality at others, Newton would most assuredly not have written “Amazing Grace” if not for his tumultuous past. And many of us would then be without these lovely words that so aptly describe our own relationship with Christ and our reliance on God’s grace in our lives:

‘Twas grace that taught my heart to fear,
And grace my fears relieved;
How precious did that grace appear
The hour I first believed.

God has promised goodness and provides His Word in which we can rest our hope. He is our Shield and Portion forever. When our life comes to an end, our possession is joy and peace in Christ. Although our flesh will fail and earth will come to an end, God our creator will remain the same and will be forever with us.

In later years : Newton began to lose his memory. Although his thoughts were limited, Newton said he could remember two things, “That I am a great sinner, and that Christ is a great Savior.” With this conviction of newly found life that he found only in Christ.

Last Days :

Newton passed from his earthly life in 1807, at the age of 82. Newton did live long enough to see the signing of The Act for the Abolition of the Slave Trade.

The song “Amazing Grace” is an account of one person’s conversion story almost 250 years ago, however no matter the amount of time that has gone by, the meaning in this hymn is truth for people all over the world.

“Amazing Grace” speaks of the sweetness found in Christ’s grace for his children. As humans we are lost, blind in sin, and need saving. Jesus’s saving grace is amazing!

John Newton was a man that despicably sold other human beings in the slave trade. As he states in the hymn, he was a wretch, but God found him. He was saved by God’s amazing grace, and it is that grace that sets God’s people free when, at the prodding of the Holy Spirit, we freely accept it for ourselves.

When we reach the glorious streets of Heaven, we can sing of God’s praise forever in His presence. Because of God’s sweet and all-encompassing amazing grace, we can have forgiveness from our past, joy in the present and hope for a future with Him. 






– Compiled by Joel & Carol