Sharable Experiences

Mrs. Sunija Christelda

I’m Sunija Chistelda, daughter of Mr. Stephen Chakravartty and Mrs Jeevalatha Chakravartty. I’m a breast cancer survivor.

In November 2023, a routine mammogram led to the discovery of triple-negative breast cancer in my body. Despite my initial shock and fear, I underwent surgery on November 22nd, followed by six cycles of chemotherapy and 20 radiation sessions, completing my treatment on May 29th, 2024.

Throughout my challenging journey, I found strength in my faith, scripture, and the support of my community. I describe my experience as a “deep, dark, scary valley,” but I emphasize how God’s presence, along with prayers from my family, friends, and church members, helped me persevere.

I’m grateful for the support I received from both Indian and US Christian communities, particularly from AMC Pastor Andrew Natarajan, Pastor RJ Christopher, and Sr. Sarah Paul Singh. I also want to acknowledge Dr. Kirti’s invaluable medical guidance.

My testimony is one of hope, emphasizing God’s faithfulness and healing power. I encourage others facing challenges to trust in God’s presence, and I offer to share more about my journey with those interested.

Mrs Janet Benjamin

I want to share how God has been gracious to my family and me. On January 7th, I was diagnosed with jaundice. Despite medication and a strict diet, my condition worsened. At Kumaran hospital, an MRI revealed gallbladder stones affecting my liver, as well as small cysts and nodes on my pancreas.

With support from the church and its members, I underwent a procedure on February 16th and was discharged on the 26th. God was with me throughout my recovery. During moments of fear and doubt, my cousin shared a video quoting 2 Chronicles 20, which gave me strength. I put my trust in God as I entered surgery.

I’m grateful for the pastors, church members, family, and friends who prayed for and supported me. I also thank God for enabling my husband to be with me at the hospital.
Please continue to keep us in your prayers. Praise be to God.